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During class, we watched a documentary on an incredible photographer and his studio. The greatest strength of his art is its roots in empathy and a genuine curiosity about the human condition, often expressed through texture, expressions of subjects and abstraction. We took notes during the documentary, and I chose to focus on two notes I took on a technical and philosophical statement Platon employs during every shoot.

Platon: A Study of the Art of Empathy

Inspired by the quote: "Great design simplifies a complicated world.", I sought to reshoot one of the first assignments of this year - knolling. In addition, I used the quote to focus myself conceptually, using the disorganization transitioning into organization to represent the above quote's meaning. Frame 5 (row 3, column 1) best conveys the concept, and has an interesting perspective, as if someone was looking at the mess of school supplies trailing behind the now organized scene.

Inspired by the quote: "A portrait is about the eyes, hands, the soul and exaggeration.", my idea was to photograph my Mom. I connected deeply with Platon's desire to bring out even the most deeply buried emotions. Frame 3 (row 2, column 1), despite the absence of expression, expresses and reveals more than a smile or manufactured facial expression could.

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